In 2016, Ahmad sought refuge from Afghanistan in the US, leaving behind his wife and daughter. He tirelessly fought to reunite his family and with the help of a JFLA loan, was able to bring his family together!
My JFLA loan allowed me to focus fully on my nursing studies without financial stress, helping me graduate on the Dean’s List and become a registered nurse.
Despite facing homelessness, unemployment, and domestic violence, JFLA offered compassion and assistance, enabling my daughter to attend college and me to find meaningful employment.
Despite facing homelessness, unemployment, and domestic violence, JFLA offered compassion and assistance, enabling my daughter to attend college and me to find meaningful employment. Their unwavering belief in us turned 'no's' into 'yes's' and gave us hope when we needed it most.
Dan needed some dough to start a bakery.
Daniel really wanted to start a one stop shop.
Denise, owner of The Wellness Bank in Manhattan Beach, successfully navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of a JFLA small business loan, which enabled her to restructure and sustain her business.
Donor - Aron Abecassis
Aron's contributions have impacted over 200 individuals, supporting entrepreneurs and students in pursuing their goals.
Donor - Dr. Robert Boostanfar
As a pivotal figure in the Feit4KidZ Loan Fund, he helped realize the Feits' dream of parenthood and assisted over 300 families on their journey to becoming parents.
Donor - Eileen Lewis
Eileen has been on the JFLA board for 35 years.Her commitment to addressing basic human needs, with the establishment of the Robert and Ethel Lewis Emergency Housing Fund, resonates with JFLA's ethos, leaving a lasting impact on the community.
Donor Story - Brandon Levin
An insightful and fun Q&A with JFLA Board President as reflects on his involvement and looks towards the future.
Donor Story - David Horvitz
To honor the teaching professionals from my previous career, David Horvitz created this loan fund. Despite their crucial role as educators of the next generation, teachers are often underpaid and overburdened by financial stress.
Donor Story - Jeff Feuer
A generation ago, JFLA supported the Feuer/Tashman families and for decades, Jeff Feuer has been giving back to help other immigrants and small business flourish.
Donor Story - Martin and Michael Koss
For generations, the Koss family has been inspired by and supporting JFLA.
Donor Story - Maurice Amado
Deeply valuing education, Maurice Amado's legacy of learning continues through the Foundation's funds supporting educational initiatives.
Donor Story - Skyler Sutton
Inspired by his brother’s Lyme disease battle, Skyler Sutton turned his passion for aquariums into a thriving business. With JFLA’s support, he expanded, overcame challenges, and now helps fellow entrepreneurs.
Dylan S
JFLA empowers students to pursue their goals and thrive, proving that even small acts of generosity can make a life-changing impact.
Emily & Gregg
Emily and Gregg tried everything imaginable to have a baby.
With an unexpected property tax increase and a gap between jobs, JFLA was able to provide a financial cushion.
No one wanted to help me in those times, Jewish Free Loan was the only one.
Applying for and receiving the JFLA loan came at a time when I was battling stage three breast cancer and struggling financially.
Grace & Khady
My daughter's college dreams were threatened by unaffordable financial aid packages until assistance from JFLA made it manageable.
Greg had to give up a new job to care for his father.
No other loan exists like this! Finding an affordable way to get started was truly exciting.
Jen H.
As a teacher for 27 years and a single mother, Jen, relied on credit cards due to my modest salary. Financial challenges began when paying high-interest rate debts mounted.
Struggling to afford IVF, a couple turned to JFLA for support. With a zero-interest, zero-fee loan, they welcomed their son in 2022 and are forever grateful for the help that made their dream a reality.
Joclynn's determination to become a mother led her to JFLA in 2018 for a loan to afford IVF and other medical procedures, ultimately resulting in the birth of her son Ari, and inspired her to give back to the organization that helped her achieve her dream.
Joe and Jeri
JFLA has transformed our lives with their compassion and support, empowering us to overcome unimaginable challenges and pursue our dreams with renewed hope.
Jonathan & Elise
Jonathan and Elise always knew they wanted to adopt a child.
Kim needed to hire people with technology skills to bring her idea to fruition.
Kira was encouraged to attend an Israel summer educational program at the Hebrew University
Moving into a home with a leaky roof could have been stressful for a single mom, but JFLA provided piece of mind.
Faced with financial challenges, exacerbated by her husband's urgent heart surgery and lapse in health insurance, and mounting bills, including unexpected expenses like legal fees and her son's camp fees, Lorin felt overwhelmed. JFLA was a beacon of hope and provided crucial support, lifting a weight off their shoulders, and helping to maintain their stability and dreams.
After losing her mother and household income, Louise returned her leased car, making daily life difficult. JFLA’s zero-interest, zero-fee loan helped her buy a used vehicle, regain independence, and find extra work.
Mandi & Lior
Mandi and her husband Lior imagined that starting their family would happen easily.
Marlene Edward
Marlene's journey to parenthood is a testament to the power of persistence and love.
Marshall grew his business to four locations and trained over 1,000 sales people.
Matt P
JFLA was instrumental in launching MAP Digital Solutions with a loan to cover equipment and startup costs. The company has expanded services and navigated challenges with confidence
I discovered JFLA while seeking help with debt from medical and other expenses, and their supportive team provided a loan that eased my financial burden and left me deeply grateful for their kindness and understanding.
The loan provided stability and the ability to take risks. To be OK. To fail and to sustain the trajectory and advancement.
Nora and Ryan
They overcame the financial hurdles of IVF and welcomed their baby girl, Eliana—turning their dream of starting a family into a joyful reality.
A small business owner helps other businesses succeed thanks to a loan.
We were in so much debt. The medical costs were astronomical.
Renee K
With JFLA’s support, Renee and her family were able to afford IVF, turning years of prayers and hope into the joy of expecting their miracle baby.
Despite not being Jewish himself, Rodney actively engages with Jewish traditions and organizations like JFLA. After benefiting from an interest-free loan during college, Rodney continues to contribute by serving on their loan committee, driven by a desire to give back and support others facing financial difficulties.
Samantha earned her degrees with the help of personal loans from JFLA
Shelly and her husband struggled with infertility for a couple of years.
Sherri turned to Jewish Free Loan for an interest free loan that enabled her to get the car fixed.
Steve needed funds to purchase the packaging, dyes, and printing plates for his product.
Dropping off at camp to walking down the aisle – JFLA has been at every step for Tammy and her family.
The Feit Family
After successfully navigating their own IVF journey and welcoming twins, Kara and Zachary, into the world, the Feits vowed to pay their blessings forward and established the Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund in 2013, offering vital financial support to couples and individuals grappling with similar challenges.
CEO of Sukkah Store shares how JFLA loan was a game changer.
Wade & Lindsay
Wade and Lindsay Windsor had no idea how difficult it would be to borrow the money necessary to get their business off the ground. Then they found JFLA and it was smooth sailing.
I didn't have any source of income other than financial aid and government assistance.