Emily & Gregg

"We had no idea that IVF doesn't always work and that our infertility journey could continue on." Those were the thoughts of a couple that struggled for 3 years trying to conceive, and IVF did not yield any results.
Emily and Gregg tried everything imaginable to have a baby, and when nothing worked they turned to IVF. They were under the impression that IVF was a last resort and would give them the baby they wanted, but after multiple efforts, thousands of dollars, and tremendous heartbreak, they found out they were wrong; IVF does not always work. With IVF no longer a viable option, they were left with the option of surrogacy, but they had burned through their hard earned savings, as insurance did not cover any part of their treatments.
Thanks to the Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Fund, they were able to complete their journey through surrogacy. They worked with an agency and found the most incredible woman who was willing to carry their baby for them. Named after her grandfather, Ava was born on February 11, 2015.
Against the odds, we were finally parents to the most gorgeous and happy baby. We feel so blessed every day for this miracle of life.Emily
As we are approaching National Infertility Awareness Week, April 22-28, 2018, we ask that you consider donating today so we can continue helping couples struggling with infertility.
We are so grateful for Jewish Free Loan and the Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund. They helped us make our family.Emily