Dylan S

I come from an extremely hard-working and loving middle class family. While my siblings and I wanted for nothing growing up, not many families are able to pay the multi-six figure sums that out of state universities require these days and qualifying for financial aid from the university wasn't possible.
When the cost of attending a university is so high and the interest on student loans reaches into the tens of thousands of dollars, every little bit of support goes a long way. The Jewish Free Loan Association was able to help me get the college experience that I dreamed of without having to sacrifice additional growing interest. I graduated from the University of Washington in 2015.
Without JFLA helping with a portion of my college expenses, I don't think I would have been able to be where I am today. I only wish there were more organizations like JFLA.
To the donor who helped fund my loan, thank you from the bottom of my heart. We live in a world where you can make all the right decisions and still find yourself with a tremendous amount of student debt. Donations to JFLA help me and so many others chase our dreams without having to sacrifice our experience.