

Five years ago, Fariba was excited to share the news to her coworkers that her son had announced he would be getting married. However, her excitement quickly turned into concern as she was unsure how she would pay for the wedding.

No one wanted to help me in those times, Jewish Free Loan was the only one. I am so grateful for the help I received.Fariba

Fariba is a single mom of two that is also taking care of her mother. Although she was working, she didn't have the financial means to pay for her son's wedding. She didn't know who to turn to. Her co-worker suggested she look into an interest-free loan from Jewish Free Loan. Fariba applied and was approved. The interest-free loan enabled her to focus on celebrating her son and soon to be daughter-in-law rather than worrying about finances.

The loan process at Jewish Free Loan was so seamless for Fariba that she knew she could turn to JFLA when her daughter announced she was getting married. Fariba has since taken out a second loan for her daughter's wedding.