The Feit Family

The Feit Family!

The Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund, established by Emily and Alan Feit back in 2013, underscores the need to support the couples and individuals grappling with infertility. Alan and Emily, having faced their own fertility struggles, understand firsthand the emotional and financial toll of this journey. While they were taking aggressive steps to become pregnant, they realized how little control they had over everything. They learned that the mantra of ‘working hard and being determined will make your dreams achievable’ was not applicable with infertility.  

Many individuals lack the financial resources needed for costly infertility treatments. Having the added financial stress, in addition to the psychological and physical discomfort, would have made the Feit's journey even more arduous. They made a promise that if their last IVF procedure was successful, they would do everything possible to help others pay for these expensive treatments. After their twins, Kara and Zachary were born in 2012, they fulfilled their promise and established the Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund. This initiative offers zero-interest, zero-fee loans for residents of Southern California who need financial assistance in paying for infertility treatments. Since its inception 11 years ago, the fund has provided crucial support to countless individuals (over 300 loans have been made) allowing them to pursue their dream of starting a family.

 Join us in acknowledging the Feits' remarkable initiative and their invaluable partnership with JFLA. Additionally, check out Emily's debut children's book, Before We Held You in Our Arms, which sensitively addresses the challenges of conception in an age-appropriate manner. Emily has pledged to donate fifty percent of her book sales back to Feit 4 KidZ to ensure that the dream of becoming a parent is attainable.