iconJewish Day School Education

Loans for Jewish high school tuition and expenses.



Loan Amounts
Number of GuarantorsMaximum Loan Amount

All borrowers must have at least one qualified guarantor.


  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have a current CA issued ID and Social Security number.
  • ⁠Applicants must have a CA issued ID or driver's license showing permanent residency in Los Angeles, Ventura or Santa Barbara County
  • Applicants must demonstrate a need 
  • Documentation provided must have a consistent mailing address
  • ⁠Applicants must show ability to repay the loan. Loans are paid back within 36 months and payments begin 30-45 days after receiving funding. (A few of our loan funds have shorter or longer repayment rates, please check the loan description for more information.)
  • Guarantor requirements are listed in the table above
  • Applicants cannot be a current Borrower or Guarantor on a JFLA loan
  • Please note, married couples are considered as one applicant or one guarantor

Jewish Education Loans are not being made at this time.

To offset the high cost of tuition and tuition-related expenses for private Jewish high school education, we offer loans up to $10,000 at four participating, local, private Jewish high schools:

  • YULA Boys
  • YULA Girls
  • Shalhevet
  • Valley Torah High School.

For more information about our loan programs, contact info@jfla.org.