Basic Loan Eligibility

Basic Loan Eligibility

*Check each loan type for its specific requirements

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have a current CA issued ID (i.e. driver's license) and Social Security number.
  • ⁠Applicants must have a CA issued ID or driver's license showing permanent residency in Los Angeles, Ventura or Santa Barbara County
  • Applicants must demonstrate a need for a loan, i.e. a letter from our landlord, a bill or an estimate
  • Documentation provided must have a consistent mailing address
  • ⁠Applicants must have a steady source of income, or are a full-time student, to show the ability to repay the loan. Loans are paid back within 36 months and payments begin 30-45 days after receiving funding. (A few of our loan funds have shorter or longer repayment rates, please check the loan description for more information.)
  • Applicants cannot be a current Borrower or Guarantor on a JFLA loan
  • Applicants must have at least one qualified guarantor to secure a loan.
  • Please note, married couples are considered as one applicant or one guarantor
  • Loans Maximums and Requirements for most personal and emergency loans:
    Up to 7,500 employed with 1 guarantor
    Up to $15,000 employed with 2 guarantors