iconGraduate/Undergraduate Loans

Application submissions are open and reviews of completed applications will begin on April 1st. Please submit your completed application early, as funding is limited.

Students at graduation

Loans for full-time, post-secondary education, up to $10,000.



You can use a Graduate/Undergraduate Loans loan for things like:

  • Community College
  • Dental School
  • Graduate School
  • Medical School
  • Professional
  • Trade School
  • Undergraduate Education
Loan Amounts
Post-Secondary Programs0 guarantors2 guarantors
Undergraduate Education$0$10,000
Professional Graduate$0$10,000
Liberal Arts Graduate$0$10,000
Community College$0$10,000
For Profit School*$0$10,000
Israel GAP Year Experience$0$10,000

All borrowers must have two qualified guarantors.
JFLA loans are not forgivable by the federal government


  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have a current CA issued ID and Social Security number. If you are not yet 18, please contact JFLA directly at info@jfla.org
  • Applicants must have a CA issued ID or driver's license showing permanent residency in Los Angeles, Ventura or Santa Barbara County
  • Applicant  must provide proof of current enrollment or acceptance
  • Documentation provided must have a consistent mailing address
  • Guarantors are required on each loan
  • Applicants cannot be a current Borrower or Guarantor on a JFLA loan
  • Please note, married couples are considered as one applicant or one guarantor
  • Undergrad loans are paid back:
    • $100/month while in school
    • $225/month first year after graduation
    • $375/month until the loan is repaid
  • Graduate students are paid back:
    • $150/month while in school
    • $225/month first year after graduation
    • $375/month until the loan is repaid

Application submissions are open and reviews of completed applications will begin on April 1st. Please submit your completed application early, as funding is limited.

First time borrowers only

Borrow up to $10,000 with 2 guarantors.

Current JFLA student loan recipients

Two guarantors are required. If you would like to re-apply for another student loan, please email info@jfla.org. Please do not use the online application.

Please note: Applications should be completed by the student - not by a parent. Only complete applications will be considered so get yours in now to be reviewed.
If you are not yet 18 years old, please contact JFLA directly at info@jfla.org.

JFLA’s Education Loan program does not fall under the federal student loan forgiveness program. President Biden’s loan forgiveness only applies to federal government loans. JFLA is a non-profit and is not a federal government loan provider.