Mandi & Lior

Mandi and Lior

Mandi and her husband Lior imagined that starting their family would happen easily. After a year, they realized that that they were going to have to be more intentional about the process. They also realized that they had a major potential looming expense ahead of them. Like others, they first tried some less expensive drug therapy, alternative medicine and IUI. Finally, when those approaches failed and their doctor suggested doing a round of IVF treatment, Mandi and Lior knew they had to face the massive hurdle of the cost of IVF, not to mention the invasive and emotional roller coaster ride of it all.

Fortunately for them, an interest-free loan from Jewish Free Loan made the IVF treatment possible. Nine months later, Mandi and Lior had a baby boy and a manageable repayment schedule with no fees or interest. In honor of their baby's first birthday, Mandi and Lior are donating to the Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund at Jewish Free Loan that made one part of their journey easy and straightforward. Their donation is a way of saying thank you and encouraging others to do the same.

“When we got married, we started saving to make a down payment on a house. It never occurred to us that we would have to do the same to make a baby.”