Jonathan & Elise

Jonathan and Elise always knew they wanted to adopt a child, to get one child out of the system and give that child a chance at having a better life. Jonathan and Elise had a biological child, and when she was two, they hired an attorney to help them navigate the adoption system and welcome a second child into their lives.
Unfortunately, Jonathan and Elise went through three heartbreaking adoption processes. All these experiences were devastating and horrible and they decided that unless the baby is free and clear, they just didn't know if they could do this again.
Jonathan knew about Jewish Free Loan, but never really thought about it in the context of adoption. When the couple received a call in December 2012 about a baby boy in Downey, Jonathan and Elise were delighted but due to challenges with the Department of Children and Family Services, they learned that it would take 2 years to finalize the adoption and at a considerable cost to them.
Going through the adoption process and fighting for a better life for their son was expensive, but an interest-free loan empowered them along the way:
When we went into private adoption we knew we could afford it, but had no concept of the twists and turns we would encounter. Having the flexibility and peace of mind that Jewish Free Loan provided us with the interest-free loan was tremendously helpful as it gave us cash on hand and the opportunity to pay it back over time.Jonathan and Elise