Donor Story - Brandon Levin

You've had a long association with JFLA. Can you share how your journey with JFLA began and what inspired you to take up the role of board president?
I work in the lighting manufacturing industry. I see the need that employees all across the income spectrum have for funds for urgent personal needs, family emergencies, and education for their children. Many of the employees do not have access to funding, and if they do, it is often through predatory payday lenders. My lifelong friend and JFLA board member, David Horvitz, introduced me to JFLA. Knowing that JFLA had the reach and scale to address the financial needs of the broader community is what attracted me to the agency.
As the board president, what has been your most rewarding experience with JFLA so far?
Seeing our loans outstanding in the community increase by over $6 million in the past 5 years.
What do you believe sets JFLA apart from other nonprofits?
Two features of JFLA’s mission separate it from other non-profits:
We make loans. We do not give handouts. That allows the monetary size of our support to be larger and therefore more impactful to our clients. It also gives them the dignity to know that they are taking an active role in the funding they have received, all while never paying a penny in interest or fees.
The funds are recycled as the loans are paid back. A donation made to a loan fund may circulate to numerous people in the community over 25+ years.
Can you share a success story from JFLA that particularly moved you and reinforced your commitment to its mission?
My company, Justice Design Group, participates in a pilot program with JFLA whereby JFLA makes loans to our employees and my company guarantees the loans. An employee who has been with the company for 30 years needed an emergency loan for medical needs for a family member in El Salvador. He was gravely concerned for his family member; he needed the money urgently and had nowhere else to turn. JFLA was able to approve his loan that same day and fund it the following day. Seeing a grown man cry in my office with tears of appreciation reaffirmed for me the incredible work that JFLA does.
Looking ahead, what are some initiatives or strategies that you are excited about implementing for JFLA?
The JFLA staff and board are looking into ways to make our loan qualifications more flexible so that we can help an even wider part of the community. AI will be an important part of this initiative.
What's one word that best describes JFLA's impact on the community?
What's one surprising fact about JFLA that most people don't know?
That we exist. While our reach and impact has grown significantly in recent years, I still often hear from people who could be borrowers or donors that they did not know that JFLA, or even the concept of interest-free loans, existed.
What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t have a good day. Make it a good day.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
Play tennis, take walks with my wife, and watch crime documentaries.
If you could enjoy a meal with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
I love traveling. I’d love to sit down with Neil Armstrong over a plate of rehydrated scrambled eggs to find out what a trip to the moon was like. I travel a lot but probably won’t make it to the moon due to my busy schedule.
Finally, for a bit of fun - if you could have any superpower to help you in your role as board president, what would it be and why?
I would be Captain Awareness. My superpower would be to get everyone in our community to know about JFLA’s incredible services at the snap of my fingers.