Medical Loans Interest Free

Emergency medical loan recipient seeing doctor

You can get an interest free medical loan at

The cost of medical care can be overwhelming. According to a survey from The Commonwealth Fund, 79 million Americans have problems paying their medical bills.

Although this has been an issue for many years, given the current rise of inflation, medical debt has become more of a concern. Adding to this concern is the increased cost of medical insurance and the burden this is causing for many American individuals and families. The Commonwealth Fund finds that 116 million people had medical bill issues and/or debt, went without needed care simply due to cost, or were underinsured. Many Americans are also finding that the insurance they do have does not give adequate coverage.

If you or anyone you know is suffering financially due to current or past due medical bills, please have them reach out to JFLA for an interest free emergency loan.

A Non-Profit Organization

You can apply for a 0% interest, no fee emergency loan online. Jewish Free Loan Association, a nonprofit organization, covers all the costs, fees, and interest that usually comes with borrowing money. JFLA offers 0% interest loans, not only for medical emergencies, but also for routine visits, medical appliances, medical insurance, and prescription medicine. This service is available to all qualified residents of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Ventura County.

Rosa received a $3,000 loan to help pay for her knee replacement surgery. Although the insurance paid most of the major bills, Rosa still had co-pays, physical therapy and medicine to pay for. The JFLA loan gave Rosa a little financial ease during this difficult time in her life.

An interest-free loan from JFLA can make a critical difference for people in need of medical care and offers a financial lifeline to those with limited resources. This program serves a unique need because it provides immediate financial relief for folks who have no alternatives, and would otherwise neglect their basic health and the health of their families. Click here to see if you are eligibile.