Los Angeles Times - Opinion: Microloans can prevent homelessness.

To the editor: Congratulations to philanthropist Adam Miller for creating a fund through his 1P Foundation to help prevent homelessness in Los Angeles. Given the crisis in the city, we need many solutions to help all those on the verge of homelessness.

The Jewish Free Loan Assn., a nonprofit, nonsectarian agency open to anyone regardless of religion, race or sex, has been offering interest-free, no-fee loans since 1904, and one of our core programs is housing.

The loans are available to residents of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. The interest-free loan can be used for first and last month’s rent, three-day eviction notices, rental assistance, Section 8 housing security deposits, basic furniture and more.

Rachel Grose is the executive director of the Jewish Free Loan Association in Los Angeles.