Interest Free Rental Loans Offer Assistance With Spiking Affordability Issues for Renters

Couple looking for emergency rental assistance loan

It many major cities, rent has become unaffordable for people earning minimum wage. In its latest Out of Reach report, the National Low Income Housing Coalition found that here in California, renters need to earn over $39 per hour to afford a modest two bedroom apartment, and $31 an hour to afford a one bedroom apartment. Minimum wage workers are priced out of almost all rental options, and are left to struggle with unaffordable rent payments.

If you have found yourself in a situation where you can’t afford to pay rent, and are looking for an emergency rent loan, JFLA is here to help.

0% Interest Loans Available To Help Renters

JFLA can help people who need an emergency rent loan now. Not only do our loans have 0% interest, they have no fees of any kind, and manageable monthly payments.

Recently, JFLA helped Emman, who works full-time as an Uber driver. When the pandemic began, Emman had no income for several months, and he got behind on his rent payments. Emman was sharing his troubles with a friend when the friend told him about JFLA. Emman immediately reached out and applied for an interest free loan. A week later, he received a $3,000 emergency rent loan to cover his back rent.

Emman is now back at work and doing well. He’s comforted by the fact that JFLA Is there to help if he ever can’t afford his rent again. Once his current loan is paid back in full, Emman is eligible to receive a new loan from JFLA if he needs one.

JFLA is a nonprofit organization that serves all residents of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties regardless of race, religion, or gender. We offer interest free personal loans up to $12,000 (with two guarantors) to help with rent. To learn more about JFLA’s 0% interest loans for rent, click HERE.